A fun evening to support ABC Women's Masters representatives.
Please email marionrob85@gmail.com to confirm attendance.
Support the ABC women who are attending the forthcoming Masters Tournament in Tauranga
The fundraiser will be at the North Harbour Clubrooms on 30th January at 5pm.
The cost is $20 to enter the three rounds of bingo, it also covers light snacks and a disco with spot prizes and raffles.
On 28 February the Hockey Masters Tournament starts: this year it is in Tauranga. This is the largest event on the New Zealand hockey calendar and lasts a week with men and women from 35-65+ playing in different age grades. ABC has 25 players representing North Harbour (click here to see post about the Tournament) and the funds raised from the Blingo night will go to the women representatives:
Women 35+: Kate Pilot, Marion Robinson
Women 40+: Briar McLeod, Kathy Giles
Women 45+: Karen Taylor, Michelle Locke
Women 50+: Karen Porteous, Rianne Brazier